Little is said about the most important part of developing a project or policy: the diagnose and assessment. Having the first assessment and/or diagnose is the only thing that can guarantee that your resources will be smartly invested and that you will work under the principle of ' do no harm'.
So I will give you a checklist if you want to make a gender policy or implement a gender-sensitive project in your organisation.
Write down your main doubts, concerns and worries. You don't need to know everything and it is my job as the consultant, to help you figure out the next steps for this.
Answer the question: What do I want to get from this diagnose/assessment? I can help you and give you quality work, but it will depend on your honesty and transparency that the document I will deliver will adjust to your needs.
Hire a professional to the diagnose or assessment!!! I can't stress this enough, as many think this is more of an intuitive work rather than the result of well-studied theories and practices!
If you have decided to have a more efficient gender project and/or policy, contact me so I can advise you in the best way to conduct a diagnose and make a smart investment!
